Monday, 4 July 2022

Fronton Botnet Attacks: Why Enterprises Should Worry

Fronton Botnet Attacks: Why Enterprises Should Worry

A botnet attack is a common form of cyberattack that has existed for more than two decades. However, the severity of various botnet attacks has been the most common reason businesses worry over the past couple of years.

Those who aren’t sure what a botnet attack is are a form of cyberattack that occurs when a group of internet-connected devices is infected with malware controlled by a cybercriminal. These attacks usually involve data theft, sending spam emails, and exploiting customer data by launching vicious DDoS attacks.

Botnet attacks start when hackers gain unauthorized access to users’ devices by injecting malicious code into their systems or basic social engineering tricks. However, a new kind of botnet attack is gaining popularity across the globe. The Russian IoT botnet, Fronton, uses unauthorized behavior to launch specific disinformation trends on different social media platforms.

Let’s understand the aspect of botnet attacks and why businesses should put their best efforts into minimizing the risk.

What Is a Fronton Botnet Attack?

Social media trends portray how many people on a particular social media platform keep updated with what’s going around in a state or world.

People believe everything they witness is trending on social media, which can be unrealistic since these trends are created by bots working precisely in the background.

Here’s where the role of a fronton botnet attack comes into play! Various interconnected devices and networks, including IoT, are often the primary targets due to their weak line of defense. IoT botnets often launch record-breaking DDoS attacks that could exploit sensitive business or user information inspired by acts of demanding ransom.

Moreover, security experts also believe that these kinds of botnet attacks that primarily focus on DDoS abilities are capable of disconnecting the internet in a small state or even country! However, proper research is required to conclude this aspect.

But one thing is quite evident botnet attacks may cause businesses severe damages in terms of information breaches and brand tarnishing.

How Are Businesses at Risk?

Though the increasing number of cyberattacks has already raised concerns among business owners globally, DDoS attacks are now creating a whole new threat landscape, which can be challenging to deal with.

These kinds of fronton botnet attacks primarily focus on spreading false information. However, these attacks may also target computer systems for financial data and further exploit users and business owners.

In a nutshell, the intention behind these attacks is to look for ways to get into your network and gain access to crucial information that can be further exploited. Also, these attacks are widely used to spam bombs and inject malware into devices for collecting credentials and other sensitive details, including bank details.

How Can Businesses Mitigate the Risk of Data Breach?

1. Maintaining Good Cybersecurity Hygiene

One of the most crucial aspects of preventing botnet attacks is practicing good cybersecurity hygiene. This can involve several practices, including passwordless authentication, multi-factor authentication, and other stringent security layers.

Apart from this, businesses should ensure that they are compliant with all the data privacy laws and regulations. This would also help in securing sensitive consumer data.

2. Establishing Access Control Across Devices and Networks.

Access control is mandatory for restricting unauthorized access to devices, networks, and crucial resources, mainly at a higher risk.

Since most cybercriminals constantly seek ways to bypass frail authentication systems, a robust access management mechanism can help ensure stringent security for both users and enterprises.

3. Regular Cybersecurity Awareness Training for Employees.

If employees are well trained and made aware of the types of cyberattacks currently in trend, businesses can ensure better security for their crucial information.

Regular training sessions can mitigate the risk of employees falling prey to cybersecurity threats, including phishing attacks, brute force attacks, botnet, and even fronton botnet attacks.

With the changing cybersecurity landscape, businesses need to take care of many things that can impact their overall security infrastructure since cybercriminals are always hunting for new ways to breach data and exploit crucial business and user information.

Specific risks associated with various botnet attacks, including the fronton botnet attack, can be minimized by following a stringent security policy as mentioned above.

Apart from this, incorporating cutting-edge technology can help to a great extent prevent data breaches and secure customer data.

Originally Published at DZone

Fronton Botnet Attacks - DZone Security
The new Russian IoT Fronton botnet is recently gaining popularity. This article discusses the aspect of this attack and how businesses can minimize the risk.
Fronton Botnet Attacks: Why Enterprises Should Worry

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