Monday, 17 January 2022

What is lazy registration and how it is solving the problem of early registration

What is lazy registration and how it is solving the problem of early registration

Nothing ruins a good streak of window shopping like an early registration. We all can agree on this because we have all been there and done that - either a half-hearted early registration or leaving a website without getting what we want.

Several websites start nagging the users with registration after a few minutes of exploring. Registration is important for user authorization and authentication but what is more important is the stage where it's required.

Many users switch websites when they are bombarded with lengthy registration forms too early. Potential users leaving the site without fully interacting with it is not favorable for conversion rates.

The solution to this is lazy registration. In this article, we are going to discuss what it is and how it is beneficial to your website.

What is lazy registration?

Lazy registration, also known as soft sign-up, allows the users to explore the site before asking them to register. This way, the user gets to interact with the site, the products, and the services it offers. The site can store data while the user browses. The stored data can further help in registration.

Users are more likely to register themselves without any hesitation once they are familiar with the website. The other thing that compels a user to register is the additional benefits that come from registration; these benefits usually require payment at the time of registration.

How can you benefit from lazy registration?

When it comes to monetization, Lazy Registration is the best of both worlds. It allows you to collect key information about your users before demanding a credit card number or email address, but does this behind the curtain so their experience isn't ruined.

If you are allowing users to try out features of your site before they register, it's important to make the process as simple and, more importantly, quick as possible. Letting them know they can sign-up later if they want more features or memberships is a good way to retain them in your user base. However, also remember that the longer a user has to wait to use something, the less likely it is that they will see the full benefits of registration or buying a product.

Give a reason for the reader to become a member. Even better, set a deadline for registration.  That said, let’s decode some more benefits of Lazy Registration.

Users get a chance to connect with the website

When users are not forced to register themselves just after opening the website, they get a chance to explore it. This works as a barrier lifter. While exploring, users can get used to the interface.

Once users are satisfied with your website, you can ask them to register. If the users are familiar with the site and like it, they won't take much time to sign in.

A common example of this is online shopping websites. On these websites, customers can continue window shopping for long periods, and registration is required only when they like something and add it to the shopping cart.

Lazy registration also helps retain potential customers by ensuring that they don't leave due to early registration, leading to a higher conversion rate.

Richer data collection

Lazy registration enables better data collection. Allowing users to use the site before registering gives them the time to get used to the site, and while users are busy exploring, the system starts collecting data based on their choices and activities.

You must have noticed that you keep seeing advertisements for the product or service you want even when you are not actively looking for them.

So many times, when you are shopping for a product, the sites show you similar products or the products you may like. There are comparison tables of similar products of different brands. Many platforms ask you to sign up for their newsletters that work for both educational and promotional purposes.

You may have experienced this even without signing up for an account. So, how does it happen? The system is always looking for user data, and when you are scrolling through a website, usually mindlessly, the system keeps analyzing your preferences and activities.

There are differences in the purpose and type of data collected in the two processes, i.e., registration and thorough analysis of a user's activities.

The data collected in user authentication and registration include personal details such as name, contact, age, and payment details where subscription is required. These details are used to set up an account, whereas the information collected by observing a user's activities shows their choice and preferences that are used for brand engagement and personalization.

Progressive profiling

Progressive profiling is the process where you get the user information less directly, like giving rewards on specific actions, using pop-ups, asking for minor details via forms that are easy to fill, or asking them to sign up for your newsletter.

In this way, you can gradually build up a profile for a user without being too intrusive or pushy, which in turn benefits registration. How? If the users keep giving information about themselves and their choices at different stages, it mitigates the need to fill out registration forms.

This isn't all! The main benefit of progressive profiling is personalization. Once you have all the necessary information about a user from progressive profiling and user analysis, you can work on making the experience even more personalized for the user.

In conclusion

If your potential users are getting what they want from your site, i.e., hassle-free registration and personalized user experience, congratulations, you have new customers. It results in more conversion and customer loyalty.

Times have changed, customers now have a myriad of options. If they don't like what you are serving them, they will switch to a business that does. User experience is one of the main factors that decide whether a potential user will become a loyal customer. That's why it should be your number one priority. This is where lazy registration can work miracles for you.

Originally published at IT Pro Portal

What is lazy registration and how it is solving the problem of early registration
Many users switch websites when they are bombarded with lengthy registration forms too early. The solution to this is lazy registration
What is lazy registration and how it is solving the problem of early registration

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