Monday, 26 September 2022

Cloud Security: An Overview of Challenges and Best Practices

Cloud Security: An Overview of Challenges and Best Practices

In the privacy and security-first market, businesses frequently use cloud-based solutions to benefit their increased security, scalability, agility, and flexibility. Modern cloud practices have become more prevalent, allowing businesses to deploy cloud strategies to maintain the continuity of operations effectively. Cloud adoption is likely to continue expanding quickly across all sectors and businesses since the overall benefits of cloud technology are so compelling.

Cloud Security – Explained!

A branch of cyber security called “cloud security” is committed to protecting cloud computing infrastructure following a predefined set of rules and policies. This includes maintaining data security and privacy across web-based platforms, infrastructure, and apps. Since cloud systems are frequently shared, identity management, privacy, and access control are highly critical for cloud security. Furthermore, cloud service providers and businesses share a great deal of accountability for securing cloud infrastructure.

Why do Businesses Need Cloud Security?

Nowadays, the number of confidential data businesses generate, gather, and store is enormous. As businesses continue to shift their data to the cloud, it is more crucial than ever for them to understand the essential requirements for ensuring data security. Although independent cloud service providers can be given control over the management and protection of the cloud infrastructure, this does not always entail a transfer of responsibility and security for data assets.

Data Protection Challenges in the Cloud

With the ability to securely store information and execute various operations online, the adoption of cloud technology has almost become inevitable. However, there are a few risks associated with cloud computing as well. On that note, the following are some significant challenges that companies leveraging cloud infrastructure may experience.

  1. Data Breaches: The three most significant reasons for data breaches in cloud computing are poor security authentication, inappropriate access rights, and weak passwords. Businesses are more likely to be impacted by cloud security risks like data breaches if they don’t invest in cutting-edge security solutions that assist them in detecting and resolving security vulnerabilities.
  2. Data Collection and Management: Cloud data collection and management procedures primarily involve gathering, storing, managing, and processing a business’s data by employing the services of dedicated cloud service providers. Moreover, while implementing data collection and management practices, businesses must eventually have answers to various questions, as given below, to safeguard the obtained data and prevent unauthorized access to cloud-stored data.
  • Does the business have enough cloud storage capacity to handle all data processing requirements?
  • How long are data stored and managed in the cloud?
  • Who has the appropriate access privileges to work with or manipulate specific data in the cloud?

Businesses opting for cloud storage need to figure out how to effectively handle cloud data collection and management activities. To learn more about this specific topic, refer to this ebook, which effectively addresses the challenges associated with data collection, management, and privacy.

  1. Multitenancy: It promotes sharing computing power, data storage, applications, and services across many tenants. As part of multi-tenancy, various tenants are hosted on the same virtual platform at the cloud service provider’s location. Although multitenancy is a cost-effective option for businesses, it sometimes puts them at risk. Since several client infrastructures are housed under one roof in public cloud environments with multitenancy, cyber attacks targeting one business might accidentally impact the others in the same infrastructure.
  2. API Attacks: To implement, manage, and monitor cloud operations, cloud service providers offer their clients a variety of APIs. These APIs tend to be the most exposed component of a cloud environment. Exposed or misconfigured APIs could result in a data breach—moreover, insecure APIs concern cloud adopters among all the data security issues. According to a Gartner report, research predicts that APIs will make up 90% of the attack surface by 2022, making them the most common attack vector.

Critical Businesses Actions to Boost Cloud Security

  1. Identity and Access Management

A Cloud Identity and Access Management solution should be employed by businesses to manage secure access to cloud resources. Access control helps businesses manage who has access to the cloud applications and data, what they can access, and what actions they can perform. It provides an ideal entry point into a zero trust implementation, centralizes access control, and reduces insider threats.

2. Data Encryption

Implementing data encryption strategies in the cloud is one of the ways to create a secure cloud infrastructure. In the cloud context, encryption is crucial for both data at rest and in transit. Data that is encrypted and stored in the cloud is more secure and makes it even more difficult for malicious users to leak or illegally sell the data.

3. Frequent Data Backups

Numerous factors can cause businesses to lose their valuable data, and without a backup copy, recovering it will be costly, time-consuming, and sometimes impossible. Businesses must have a comprehensive data backup policy to store the data safely and securely against data loss, corruption, and theft. Furthermore, data backups are not to prevent data loss; they are meant to be restored in the event of data loss.

4. Continuous Monitoring and Logging

Continuous monitoring and logging tools in the cloud infrastructure can help businesses quickly identify unauthorized activities. A cloud infrastructure’s operational workflow and processes are continuously monitored, recorded, and managed through cloud monitoring and logging. In case of any unexpected events, businesses can refer to these records to quickly discover who tampers with the cloud settings, what kind of change has been done, and take proactive actions if needed.


As businesses shift their endpoints, data centers, business processes, and other resources to the cloud, cloud data security becomes more and more crucial. Businesses must select the best cloud security solution and adhere to all necessary data-safety measures to get the most out of the cloud and ensure that it is protected against unauthorized access and data breaches. By identifying potential challenges in the cloud environment and following the best security practices, businesses can lower risks and fully benefit from cloud computing.

Originally published at GRCOutlook

Cloud Security: An Overview of Challenges and Best Practices - GRC Outlook
In the privacy and security-first market, businesses frequently use cloud-based solutions to benefit from their increased security, scalability, agility, and flexibility. Modern cloud practices have become more prevalent, allowing businesses to deploy cloud strategies to maintain continuity of opera…
Cloud Security: An Overview of Challenges and Best Practices

Tuesday, 20 September 2022

How did I get into Tech Startups?

How did I get into Tech Startups?

Are you interested in getting involved in cybersecurity or tech start-ups?

Learn about my story and how I got started in this short video. Get in touch for help starting your journey into business.

Monday, 19 September 2022

Why Enterprises Should Shift Priorities Concerning Data Privacy

Why Enterprises Should Shift Priorities Concerning Data Privacy

Data privacy is now a priority for enterprises to manage and address proactively. Consumers are increasingly concerned about how their data is collected, processed, managed, and shared. Although this paradigm shift began a few years ago, its importance and influence on purchase decisions have increased. Hence, data privacy requires an enhanced focus and effort to get it right.

Often, it’s more probable that enterprise leaders will think of revenue growth, profitability, and long-term sustainability in a way that's obvious and straightforward—simply put, first-order thinking that connects the dots between their goals and the strategy and broader business activities they should perform. But with this approach, they might struggle to realign business priorities with growing changes. And they could fail to deeply consider the effects of second-order and third-order changes in the business landscape that alter how they approach their strategy in achieving their goals.

This is a surprising insight because enterprise leaders carry decades of operational and strategic experience and often deal with technical complexities. Enterprise leaders should recognize the limitations of this view and tackle business problems with an enhanced perspective. This shift is essential, as enterprises are often perceived as rigid and unwilling to disrupt themselves, risking relying only on experiential strengths, which can prove to be weaknesses.

Change, however, should be embraced, as each change can provide opportunities and strategic levers that help an enterprise innovate, improve and grow. Notably, the data landscape is changing rapidly with technological innovations, a rising variety of data regulations and consumer concerns. This presents new challenges that need to be addressed with a combination of experiential know-how and bold moves. When enterprises overcome these challenges, they can create growth opportunities and a sustainable long-term business outlook.

Today, the data privacy landscape is so complicated that even digital-native, tech-first innovators like Google and Amazon have had problems with compliance violations and massive monetary penalties. Of course, Google and Amazon benefit from monopolistic profits to overcome regulatory shortcomings and penalties, which is not a comfort available for many enterprises.

Yet, the current data privacy landscape also presents an opportunity for enterprises. Those who understand and embrace data privacy and implement structured processes, train people, develop optimal strategies and leverage cutting-edge technologies for better data privacy governance can gain a competitive advantage that positions them to grow and possibly disrupt the markets they operate in.

As such, enterprises need to embrace a paradigm shift from thinking of data privacy as not only a regulatory and compliance risk concern but also a competitive advantage. In brief, enterprises should consider the following imperatives in prioritizing data privacy initiatives:

  • The Data Economy Paradigm: Business environments are increasingly relying on data to optimize operations, develop new offerings and ensure efficient value delivery. To survive and then thrive, enterprises need to become good at data management and leverage data initiatives to achieve growth and sustainability.
  • The Importance Of Data Privacy: Consumers and regulatory authorities are concerned about data privacy and how enterprises manage and secure data. Enterprises should first understand consumer expectations and set clear guidelines to effectively communicate how the data privacy cycle is controlled.
  • Data Compliance: The increasing focus on regulating data management worldwide has meant a growing number of overlapping and sometimes contradictory compliance requirements across geographies. Enterprises can overcome compliance challenges with technology and compliance-oriented data management platforms that are capital-efficient and time-efficient.
  • The Data Future: The future of business will mean dealing with more and more data, implying that enterprises need to progressively work on the effectiveness of their data management and future readiness to ensure a meaningful growth outlook.

Data management is increasingly overlapping with all the capabilities and functions of an enterprise. With this shift, enterprises should prioritize data privacy initiatives and proactively address consumer concerns to better position data management and privacy as a competitive enterprise advantage.

Originally published at Forbes

Council Post: Why Enterprises Should Shift Priorities Concerning Data Privacy
Enterprises need to embrace a paradigm shift from thinking of data privacy as not only a regulatory and compliance risk concern but also a competitive advantage
Why Enterprises Should Shift Priorities Concerning Data Privacy

Friday, 16 September 2022

RESTful API Design: Best Practices and Approach

RESTful API Design: Best Practices and Approach

In the first article, we learned some basics of RESTful API design, its common use cases, and its benefits. Now we’ll talk about the best practices and how to identify a good API design approach.

Best Practices while Designing and Developing RESTful APIs

Here are some of the key best practices you should follow when you start thinking about designing and developing REST APIs. It should start with the structure, type, how to send and receive the data, security, performance, scaling, etc.

Transfer Data with JSON

JSON is the standard for transferring data. Whether you send a request or receive a response, a REST API should accept JSON. It is not difficult in this modern age as most networked technologies use it.

For instance, JavaScript comes integrated with methods to encode and decode JSON. It allows via an HTTP client or Fetches API. Regardless of the method, the server libraries do not have much work to decode JSON.

There are also some other ways for data transfer, like XML. While it is fine for developers, it’s not easy for the client. That is due to the difficult data manipulation in XML. It takes comparatively more time for the simple transfer process. Also, it is not supported by many frameworks.

On the other hand, JSON allows direct transfer on the client side. Plus, it is compatible widely with almost every framework. That is why it is usually the preferred choice.  It is a simple task with many benefits; all you have to do is set the “Content-Type” to “application/json.”

Use Nouns Instead Of Verbs in URLs

Using verbs at the end makes the URL difficult to read. Nouns describe them better. This way, a URL should be clean and easily used in web applications.

Having a long URL has many downsides. For instance, it is tricky to read and can cause many mistakes while recording. Nouns make the job easier by keeping it short. You can also use both singular and plural terms.

Plus, they are self-explanatory. A developer can understand the resource just by looking at the URL.

Use HTTP Methods

Each resource has several methods that can be operated to work with the data of an API. REST APIs use HTTP methods that are well defined. They represent the unique actions of a resource.

HTTP Methods define the CRUD operations of a resource. The methods mentioned above, including GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, are used for the definition.

This is also why keeping verbs away from a URL is good. As these operations are also verbs, having a noun can make it more readable.

Logical Nesting

Designing endpoints can be complicated as it contains a lot of information. Having too many of them at the same time can confuse them. That is why the best idea is to group similar ones.

This simple practice keeps the data structure. Moreover, it can be easier for a developer to work with it.

Logical Nesting can be used again and again. So, to maintain readability, consider returning the URL to resources.

Deal with Errors

An error is common when designing APIs. However, its handling is a real art. To avoid errors, identifying the problem is the most important part. You can find this with the error code.

Here are all the common HTTP error codes and the reasons why they occur:
400 Bad Request: Input validation failed on the client side.
401 Unauthorized: The user is not authorized to access that resource.
403 Forbidden: The user is authenticated but not permitted to access a resource.
404 Not Found: The resource is not found or does not exist.
500 Internal Server Error: Error in the server.
502 Bad Gateway: An invalid response from the server.
503 Service Unavailable: Something Unexpected, like an overload or system failure, occurred on the server-side.

Once you identify the error, you can quickly throw it.

Improving Security

The data between the client and server is private. Hence, using good security measures is important. You should always consider SSL/TLS when designing a RESTful API.

Usually, people think these certificates are harder to load. Well, it’s not. And surprisingly, the cost is also quite low or free.

However, they offer a variety of benefits. The most important one is data authorization. For instance, a normal user level should not have access to a higher level of data.

Using SSL/TLS can allow you to prevent such mistakes. There are no reasons why you should not use stronger security in your REST APIs.

Maintain Cache Data

Maintaining data in the cache is a good practice. It allows fetching data faster. However, when there is too much data stored in it, that’s when problems arise. Users face many issues while debugging or accessing data.

Luckily, there are various solutions, such as in-memory caching. It allows us to control how the data will be stored in the cache. You can decide what stays and remove the outdated data to save space and make the work quicker.

Allow Sorting and Filtering

Needless to say, there is a large database working behind a REST API. Sometimes, they can get way larger, which makes the transfer slow. Therefore, you will also face difficulties in returning all the data simultaneously.

With filtering and sorting, you can drastically improve an API's performance. It allows you to return a specific number of data at a time. They reduce the usage of server resources so that more data can be stored in a manageable form.

Characteristics of a Good RESTful API

Once you follow these practices, you can make better RESTful APIs. But how to determine if it is a good one? Well, it’s quite easy.

Here are some characteristics of a good REST API:

  • Easy-to-read: A well-documented API straightforward method will have more readability.
  • Short URLs: As mentioned earlier, having a URL that uses nouns instead of verbs is better. It improves readability and prevents errors.
  • Well-Defined HTTP: An HTTP that defines proper operations is a MUST if you want a good RESTful API.
  • Error Handling: Errors can occur. However, the most important part is to fix them carefully. A good API involves a better approach to error handling.
  • HTTP Status Code: The HTTP status code should be expressive so that it is clear for both developers and clients.
  • Tighter security: Since the data shared between a client and server is private; protection should be your priority. Well-made REST APIs have all the essential security features.
  • Allow filtering results: Sorting and filtering results help you access the desired data faster. Hence, including this will help you save time as well as effort.
  • Log activity: Logging activity regularly of an API helps in future operations. That is why most developers adopt this technique.

If your RESTful API has these traits above, you are on the right track. However, you can take additional steps, such as limit rates, choosing between XML and JSON, track version, etc. All of these will help you in designing better REST APIs.


This article will help you with some key elements of the best practices of RESTful API. From what it is and how to use it to what are the best practices for designing it, it has covered all relevant topics.

Learning the essential and advanced aspects of the architecture will help you understand and develop better REST APIs.

Monday, 12 September 2022

Beginner Guide: RESTful API Design

Beginner Guide: RESTful API Design

API is one of the most prominent terms in the vast world of software architecture. Also, it is a frequently asked question, what is an API? The same can be said for REST. Although it is widely considered a popular software architecture style, beginners are unfamiliar with it.

Well, no need to worry. This article will tell you what RESTful API is and how you can approach it. Plus, the best practices while working with it. With that said, let’s get into it.

RESTful API Design: A Complete Guide

First, let’s start with the basics. API stands for Application Program Interface. A set of protocols and definitions allows different programs to connect. An API is an outline that tells a developer how to build a program to communicate with clients’ applications.

These different applications are connected to exchange data and perform better tasks together. This way, the functionality of a program is enhanced as it collaborates with another one.

A term often used with it is a web API. It is an application programming interface for either a web browser or service.

What is a RESTful API?

That brings us to our main question. To understand RESTful API, first, we have to look at REST.

REST (Representational State Transfer) is a software architecture style that guides the development and design of an application. An API that conforms to the set of rules of REST is known as REST API. It is also commonly referred to as RESTful APIs.

Introduced in 2000, it has become the most preferred way of communication among users and clients. Some of the biggest companies, like Google, LinkedIn, Amazon, Facebook, and Twitter, are used.

Using these REST APIs, users can communicate with cloud services. And one of the biggest benefits is flexibility. This feature made REST a top choice among users. That is because it can access different forms of data, return various types of calls, and make changes to the structural implementation.

Benefits of a RESTful API

SOAP is the competitor for REST. However, there are many benefits of a RESTful API. They prove why it is better than others:

  • Flexibile and Scaleable
  • Offers Development Independence
  • Simple to use and build
  • Requires fewer resources
  • Eliminates the need for routing information

Some Key Use Cases of a RESTful API

Here is a list of tasks you can perform with a RESTful API:

  • Create an Issue
  • Set Custom Fields
  • Fetch Values for a Custom Field
  • Get a complete Issue List
  • Add new values
  • Update Value in a Custom Field
  • Clear Values
  • Tag an Issue
  • Work with different tagged issues
  • Attach Files
  • Use Commands
  • Download attachments
  • Fetch an Issue’s history
  • Link several Issues
  • Add users to a team
  • Remove users
  • Make backup for the Database

These tasks show how two programs can communicate easily with a RESTful API.

How to Approach API Design

Before going into the design aspect, you should consider choosing suitable specifications. First, you will need a platform where someone can understand your design and guidelines. This is commonly known as “Documentation.”
There are different approaches you can take. However, the most popular option is choosing “OpenAPI.” It is an easy-to-use application that allows you to define how a RESTful API works. It does this job in a way that is understandable for humans and machines.

To understand it, you can consider OpenAPI as a “contract” between a consumer and the expected responses. It helps you specify all these requirements. Currently, OpenAPI v3.0 is used commonly. It was released in July 2017, following the missing options in its predecessor, OpenAPI v2.0, also known as Swagger v2.0.The latter version is also still available to use.

You can also use RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML), API Blueprint, and JSON Schema.

However, you should note that there is no single approach for RESTful API designs. You can select the right one based on your requirements and work with it.

How Does a RESTful API work?

REST specifies the structure of an API. Hence, developers have to follow certain rules when building an API. To understand the working of a RESTful API, we must digest some important terms. For instance, a URL is defined as a “Request,” while the returning data is “Response.”

So, one rule of constructing RESTful API states that linking a URL should return some data as a response. REST API has a distinct feature. It breaks down every transaction into small components. Each component has a specific and different task related to the transaction. This is why RESTful API is the most flexible.
As mentioned above, a transaction is initialized by request. So, here are different requests REST API works with.

  • GET: fetch data
  • POST: create data
  • PUT: change data or its states, such as a file, object, or block
  • PATCH: update existing dataDelete: clear selected data
  • Delete: clear selected data

RESTful API Structure

The structure is broken into two main components, Request and Response. Both of them contain more parts. So, let’s look at the detailed structure of a RESTful API.

  • HTTP Methods
    We mentioned the HTTP Methods above. They are given as GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE. They are the four basic methods used for different operations.
  • EndPoints
    An endpoint contains a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier). It tells where and how to find a specific resource on the internet. There are several types of it. The most popular one is Unique Resource Location or URL.
  • Headers
    Headers are integral parts of the Request structure. They carry information for both clients as well as the server. This data is distinguished with a unique key, like an API key.
    It stores the necessary information, such as the name or IP Address of the server. Headers also contain information about the response format.
  • Body
    The body is defined as the actual data. It conveys information to the server. You can add, replace, and update this data. It is the last part of the Request structure.
  • Representation
    The server does not send the actual resource when a request is made. Instead, it sends the representation. It is a machine-readable description.
    The representation can vary with different formats. However, some of the most common ones are JSON and XML.
  • Hypermedia
    A server also includes Hypermedia. It is commonly known as Hyperlink. It links to the other relevant resources.

That is why it is only included when a related request is made. The server gives instructions to the clients about what further requests can be made.

Monday, 5 September 2022

Privacy-Centric Enhancements: CTO Deepak Gupta Shares His Thoughts on Shifting Data Strategies

With more and more businesses taking place online and grappling with the new privacy and data security complexities, there’s an immediate need to reinvent data management strategies. Let’s understand the role of privacy and data management and how businesses can take the competitive edge.


Privacy-Centric Enhancements: CTO Deepak Gupta Shares His Thoughts on Shifting Data Strategies

Technology has evolved leaps and bounds in the past decade, and every business, regardless of the niche, has already jumped on the digital transformation bandwagon.

Whether we talk about incorporating smart devices or adopting cloud computing for thriving business success, technology has undoubtedly laid the foundation for a successful business in this era.

However, integrating technology into business doesn’t guarantee a secure IT infrastructure, especially when cybercriminals find new ways to exploit customer identities.

Since data is the essential fuel that keeps businesses up and running, a little sneak into crucial customer details can cause massive destruction for an enterprise in terms of hefty fines and reputational damages.

With more and more businesses taking place online and grappling with the new privacy and data security complexities, there’s an immediate need to reinvent data management strategies.

Let’s understand the role of privacy and data management and how businesses can take the competitive edge.

Privacy Management in 2022 and Beyond

Things have rapidly changed in the digital business landscape, and customers are increasingly becoming obsessed with how enterprises manage their personal data.

Furthermore, global data privacy and security regulations are also becoming more stringent. This means that businesses that aren’t complying with the regulations like the GDPR and the CCPA would eventually face issues pertaining to customer trust and loyalty.

Hence, if a brand needs to build customer loyalty and trust in this digital-first era, it should comply with data privacy and security regulations.

Now talking about the true potential of customer data, brands that aren’t leveraging customer insights would surely lag behind their competitors.

Over a decade, customer insights have been the game-changer for businesses striving for overall success since they can offer personalized customer journeys and deliver what their end users demand.

Rapid technology adoption has undeniably helped organizations navigate their digital transformation journey. However, the speed of technology adoption in a data-centric landscape without assessing underlying risks has created endless privacy pitfalls," says Deepak Gupta, CTO, and Co-founder (LoginRadius)

Hence, the ones seeking competitive advantage without losing customer trust must rethink their privacy and data management policies.

Let’s look at data and privacy shifts that could help businesses grow in 2022 and beyond.

#1. Data literacy

Organizations that go out of the box and separate themselves from competitors will be those willing to adapt to a new way of working with privacy and agility.

Data literacy is swiftly becoming the need of the hour within a business organization that requires a top-down data management approach that ensures data is viewed as insights to drive overall business growth.

For instance, valuable customer data collected through registration forms can be utilized to build a personalized customer experience that offers customers what they’re actually looking for by carefully examining their behavior and preferences.

#2. Shifting from conventional data strategy

Relying on an old-school data strategy could be fatal for businesses serving customers online since market leaders already leverage cutting-edge technologies and tools to stand ahead of the curve.

For instance, most businesses now rely on identity management solutions to ensure they comply with global data privacy and regulatory requirements.

Also, a customer identity and access management (CIAM) solution can help businesses deliver a flawless user experience reinforced by security.

Moreover, customers love to share their personal details if they are catered to with a rich user experience through a CIAM with progressive profiling. This feature allows brands to collect crucial customer data gradually over time instead of a huge registration form.

#3. Managing security, privacy, compliance, and user experience

Brands cannot just focus on user experience anymore; customers now demand security, privacy, compliance, and customer experience- all under one roof.

The market is flooded with endless options for almost every business niche, and customers won’t take a second thought to switch if they aren’t served with the desired experience.

In a nutshell, if a business offers privacy, security, compliance, and user experience through its platform, it’ll stand ahead of the competition.

A cutting-edge CIAM solution can help brands overcome these challenges like a breeze.

In Conclusion

The modern digital business landscape has offered endless opportunities for enterprises to leverage their customer insights. However, they need to strategize things from a whole new different perspective.

Whether incorporating a reliable CIAM or other privacy management solutions, brands have to put their best efforts into ensuring robust privacy management.

Originally published at LoginRadius

LoginRadius’ CTO Shares His View on Shifting Data Strategies | LoginRadius Blog
Businesses have leveraged customer data for years, but they need to consider utilizing valuable insights. Read on to know more about data privacy strategies.
Privacy-Centric Enhancements: CTO Deepak Gupta Shares His Thoughts on Shifting Data Strategies

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